Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Wisconsin - Part Three

Judy and Brian stopped by to say hi.
Four Generations of Da Boys.
The standard door shot at Aunt Ruth's.
Thanks Great Grandpa and Great Grandma for letting us crash at your place!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Wisconsin - Part Two

Hey Brady what you got there?Uncle Al I find you oddly mesmerizing?
Hey Great Grandpa I think I need that cane more than you!

How did Uncle Mark and Uncle Mark and Aunt Sharon get Kaitlyn to peel potatoes?
Wonders never cease.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Wisconsin - Part One

Here is a photo that belongs on the front of the box for this toy. This shot looks posed! Evan does have his favorite ball Kaitlyn made for him.

Evan learned to climb the stairs at Great Grandma and Great Grandpa's.
It is a good thing Mommy was watching.
Ahhh, brother sister bonding infront of the tube.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Vova is in the house!

Carolyn's mom, Barbara (AKA Vova), moved up to Seattle. She transported her stuff using a POD the problem was that they wouldn't deliver it to an apartment so they dropped it off at our house and then we had to shuttle it down to the apartment. Most of the stuff fit in the Xterra, but the plant in the picture wouldn't fit upright in the Xterra so we used the sunroof of the civic. Scroll down for a closer look.
Welcome to Seattle Barbara!

Monday, August 3, 2009


Evan playing in the box.What do you have there Evan?
Evan we unload AFTER they get washed!
Ther real trouble is comming. If you look closely you will notice Evan is standing.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

The pool

Hey it is an outside bath!

Boy this is fun!

Hey Daddy get me out!
Thats better!